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Used to favour Rizla Blue slims, was put onto raw recently, rate them: the roach card is perfect and the skins are decent to roll with.
I might roll the missus a double king skin on the weekend for shits and giggles as I haven't needed to roll one of them for a long time now (I don't smoke any more).
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Man I don't know how people smoke tobaccy, I literally green out with spin, makes my head spin and turns the high into what feels like some narcotic haze
I used to mix cigarette tobacco in my bongs for over 10 years, Looking back now its fucking disgusting. I still got mates that do it and they can't stop even though they want to because they are addicted to the "Narcotic Haze" you mentioned.

I don't mind a blunt wrap every now and them, That's actual tobacco leaf not laced with addictive chemicals.


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I used to mix cigarette tobacco in my bongs for over 10 years, Looking back now its fucking disgusting. I still got mates that do it and they can't stop even though they want to because they are addicted to the "Narcotic Haze" you mentioned.

I don't mind a blunt wrap every now and them, That's actual tobacco leaf not laced with addictive chemicals.
@Bigfoot it's funny you mentioned leaf tabac, I've just got back from home(png) and managed to bring some seeds back with the hope of trying to grow some. I've never grown nor seen a real tobacco plant.


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I used to mix with mixed herbs from the Happy Herbs Shop. It wasn't that bad imo. But yeah, I dislike tobacco mix too.


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Yep definitely going to give it a shot..
Tobacco seeds are almost like pot not as many strains who knows.

Soooo source the right seeds and do not cover seeds with any soil whatsoever , they need the ball of fire to work , do not over water , and keep our of breeze , mum did it in Karumba when I was on the trawlers in the 80 s 90 s
I remember one crop she got to the end and fuck me it was disgusting shit 🤣

I reckon a controlled indoor tent would work but gotta get the right seeds and millions of em 😁

Hope to see someone success 👍


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Don’t get caught growing Tobacco mate government will have ya nuts ya better off with 100 weed plants
If you get caught growing tobacco without a permit, it's considered 'Theft of tax dollars' or Fraud against the Commonwealth. They don't like that sort of thing

Growing between 2kg and 5kg is a fine of $31,000. Over 5kg, up to $300,000 fine and/or 5yrs jail.
Now that's for growing, if you then sold it, that's an additional $300,000 fine and/or 5yrs jail for you, the seller, AND up to $300,000 fine and/or 5yrs jail for the buyer too. If you think I'm joking, here's a link to the ATO

Be VERY fuckin careful
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