My Favourite coco

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Coco has a pH of 5.2 to 6.8 naturally that's why it's so good. Unless its PH'd outside of that range its a gimmick .And it drops all the salt when you buffer it CalMg is it's preferred element so it drops everything else in favour (incuding sodium)of it, put it in a pot and rinse done. when people pay top dollar their paying for a $ 2.50 process. I grow indoors I like to grow different ways to keep up with trends last round I done RDWC before that soil before that coco and perlite now back to coco this round. I'm just saying this is MY favourite coco and I know there's a few blokes on pensions and guys starting out that can't afford brand name stuff
Unless you rinse it complete with a calmag with enough calcium (hint most pre-made cal mags don’t) 3+ times it’ll still have sodium and won’t be correctly buffered.

Goonie Goat

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Some Enfield Produce Coco, Fluffs up well, just gonna rinse with boiling water and flush with calcium nitrate and Epsom salts. My local seed / produce sells really shitty stuff compared to this stuff, as mentioned has lots of fine silt and chunks of husk..
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