Is more power watts, better for flower? Light height.


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Newbie trying to get the small things right, is 15-18” the best for this stage, also do I tape all devices in tent with display lights? And what’s min and max humidity, Also temps I’m about to flip my first indoor grow ever. Been a learning experience so far so thought I’d ask and find out what’s coming before it sets me back again. Yeeeww happy growing ps thanks to a small few that have helped big time so far, without you guys I would have given up. I won’t mention names you know who you are. 🍻

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Goonie Goat

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Depends what light it is, if it has a dimmer etc. the manufacturer should have PAR specs at different heights so maybe just test it out at 50% and see how that goes for veg and increase until plants show symptoms of light stress. Veg humidity 60% is good and 45-50% for flower to keep budrot away. My tent can get to 33 Celcius and although it's not ideal the plants don't seem to care or foxtail yet😆
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