Hash Pipe


HPS turncoat
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Anybody used this or similar to smoke hash?

No, I haven't. But we used to wrap a piece of foil over top end of a regular cone. Push foil down slightly with thumb to create a slight indentation/bowl in the foil. Then pierce the foil with 6-7 pin pricks. You can sit hash on top of foil, and on combustion( of hash) the smoke comes through the holes in foil, acting similar to a regular cone. I usually had to do this, as my mates would spin their hash with filthy tobacco, and I prefer my hash straight. The foil inside cigarette pack also works at a pinch.

Sun Ra

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Made from clay - I've had it for 35+ years. Don't know how old it actually is. Used it back in the day when you
could get hash but not so much for a long time.
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