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Welcome 😎 turbo dirt saw me through my first without nearly as much knowledge as I should have had before hand 😆


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So, tent and exhaust are done. Seeds are in cups to germinate. I havent put the LEDs up yet. I was monitoring temps and rh. So ill hang them tomorrow I think and test temps during different stages of the day and night with the lights and fan. Get a feel for her. But overall pretty happy so far.


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Hey there welcome.

I reckon the turbo dirt is a pretty good way to grow. No way can it compete with a hydro/coco, liquid nutes grow, but the payoff is the tastier buds IMO. Quality over quantity.

30 litre pots struggle at the end of a grow in the turbo dirt, so I use Root roids every second watering through veg, then add in the fruit roids alternatively throughout flower. Seems to do the trick.

I only need to water every 3rd-5th day through veg, then mid-deep flower it'll pick up to every 2nd-3rd day, then slow down again at the end. Its a low effort grow. The blumat (or equivalent) moisture meter is a must for an indoor soil grower I reckon. NFI without it. Good luck.


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Noob indoor grower here, putting my tent build together tomorrow for the first time and Im really excited to finally kick it off and hang on for the ride. Wish me luck
HI mate welcome to sedge how's that tent coming along? Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help.


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Sounds like a cranking setup..
480w in a 4x4...
Hope it has knob to dial it down until flower... No point wasn’t power when you can lower the light..
But bag seed... dude..
That could be very disappionting if they herm come flower..

I think the biggest faultering block is watering practices... more so for soil cus you want it to stay at least a little moist and never dry out and kill the biome... but also not too wet..!!

Ive setup blumats now... seem to be working well...


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mars 4x4, SF G5000 480w, AC T6, and plan on growing 4 plants in turbo dirt. Not after prize winning smoke, just want to see it through to the end and learn from it. Ill be going with some bag seeds for my first time. And train and learn I will
What about dehumidifier ?
Got that sorted ?
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