Gazza’s Fuel Air Mix Series 2 (LPA)

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Forum Pisshead
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Being thinking about a new system, will document the build here for reference.

Will consist of the same style as my old build but will be low pressure aero constantly running on a pissy pond pump thinking maybe like 40w or 50w

Will almost be like a hybrid between dwc and aero but roots won’t be submerged more just a constant flow of nutes and roots suspended.

The main goal apart from Getting through the run will be keeping the roots out of the res, therefore not blocking the pump and fuckin up my day.

Got a few ideas to counter that, this will be a work in progress love it with me 🤘

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Run a reservoir and an overflow sump system. No worries with roots then, and you can aerate your sump.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Have seen roots go 3/4 ft down the return tube/pipe to the remote reservoir before
can block it up and flood the tub, runs the rest of the tubs dry lol

Its all fun, Areo kills most grow styles if not all of them, when ya get it right


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Run a Kratky method no mess no pump crap, no popular mechanics



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It like to see an aero system that runs on those ultrasonic fogger things, like tunks has in his cloner but bigger.
I looked at the ultrasonic foggers quite a few years back, I could not work out how to get it all running properly, might be worth looking into again now that I have abit of time on my hands. You would probably need a separate mini res with a fan to blow the mist into the bucket that holds the suspended roots.

If I can come up with a design of something that would be reliable I will share.


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I looked at the ultrasonic foggers quite a few years back, I could not work out how to get it all running properly, might be worth looking into again now that I have abit of time on my hands. You would probably need a separate mini res with a fan to blow the mist into the bucket that holds the suspended roots.

If I can come up with a design of something that would be reliable I will share.


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I looked at the ultrasonic foggers quite a few years back, I could not work out how to get it all running properly, might be worth looking into again now that I have abit of time on my hands. You would probably need a separate mini res with a fan to blow the mist into the bucket that holds the suspended roots.

If I can come up with a design of something that would be reliable I will share.

I’m not sure I read this right ,,me very stoned.

are you expecting the fog to hold nutrients?
I doubt that will happen ..


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I just read the link

I was thinking something else ,
now I think you might be onto something.

though The bit about running it no more that ten hrs a day
means you’d need two or three.?


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Do you also look up that the feeding rate should be a lot lower than the EC from the res

It may potentially burn the crap out of them

Bottom should be totally sealed from top


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I just read the link

I was thinking something else ,
now I think you might be onto something.

though The bit about running it no more that ten hrs a day
means you’d need two or three.?
Might be able to run it on a timer 5 mins on 10 mins off, would be a good idea to have a backup or two anyhow.
There are some pretty clever people on this forum - would be cool to see some designs coming through.
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