Cheech and Chong

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The links are fine use them don't use them up to you Just don't sign up for things that pop up that's why we use an ad blocker Some of these sites will run all sorts of nonsense on your computer if you let them


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Basically if you worried about any kind of crypto jacking then you should probably stay off the Internet altogether as totally legit programs will do that to you It's usually in the fine print So let's just say use them at your own risk I've never had any problem And I know exactly what's running on my system But that's me and I'm not there So yes it is a totally valid concern I usually don't even give it any thought because I've been doing this so long You should be fine if you use something like brave to view it


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And so everyone's clear what we're talking about Is profiling members By their cpus and targeting them with ads for vpn services that crypto mine And that's why I said use the ad blocker also Don't click on the ads Don't sign up to be a member But I honestly didn't think I would have to say that
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