Been Fucked by a Kiwi Lately?


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Referendum preliminary results: Yes to euthanasia reform, no to cannabis

The euthanasia referendum has passed the public vote, with 65.2 percent voting in favour, but the cannabis question has 53.1 percent voting 'no' so far, preliminary results show.

The number of voters who chose 'no' in the End of Life Choice referendum reached 33.8 percent.

In the cannabis question, 'yes' received 46.1 percent of the vote so far, compared to 53.1 percent of 'no' votes.

But with almost half a million votes still to be counted, New Zealand will need to wait until next Friday for full and final results.

The eunthanasia question gathered a total of 1,574,645 'yes' votes and 815,829 'no' votes so far.

There were a total of 1,114,485 'yes' votes for cannabis reform, 167,333 short of the 1,281,818 votes for 'no'.


n a statement, Justice Minister Andrew Little said assisted dying remains illegal in New Zealand until 6 November 2021, and the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill will not be introduced as legislation by the Labour government this term.

The End of Life Choice - or euthanasia - referendum was based on a member's bill put forward by ACT leader David Seymour, with the aim of legalising a form of safe euthanasia for some people experiencing a terminal illness.

The bill had already passed through Parliament, on the proviso that the referendum held at the election supports it.

The recreational cannabis referendum is a different story. The government released a draft bill for a law it would seek to pass depending on the result, but the Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill has not yet been through Parliament so would be subject to change before it was made law.


Labour has also suggested - despite earlier promises the referendum result would be binding - that Parliament's final vote on the bill would be a conscience vote, meaning MPs would not be required to vote along party lines.

Polling ahead of the election showed the euthanasia referendum was likely to pass, but the recreational cannabis referendum was on a knife's edge.

Campaigners for cannabis legalisation were hoping the widespread support for leftist parties - Labour and the Greens - at the election will point to support.

Final results for the referendums and the election are due when the special votes are counted on 6 November.

Special votes include post-in and overseas votes, and votes made by people who enrolled after 13 September. It also includes prisoners who are on remand and - for the first time in a decade - prisoners who have been sentenced to less than three years.

is gonna screw any attempt to Aus to legalize weed ..IMO


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Would've been good if both got over the line, as they both could've complemented each other especially for terminally ill patients.

Folks could then utilise cannabis in any way they see fit, without being bound to operate within the confines of the medical industry. And when the terminally ill feel they can no longer cope, they could then make arrangements to check out on their terms.

If more Kiwi's considered that angle, it might've been enough to get them both passed.

Hope we don't fuck it up when/if we get a chance.


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yep for sure Indy. be a long time before they get another shot at it I imagine..

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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15 Limits on growing cannabis for personal use
(1) Subject to subsection (2) and the requirements in section 16, a person aged
20 years or older may grow not more than 2 cannabis plants on a property or
that part of a property in respect of which they have a qualifying legal interest.
(2) Despite subsection (1), if 2 or more persons aged 20 years or older are part
of the same household, the maximum number of cannabis plants that those persons may grow on a property or that part of a property in respect of which 1 or
more of those persons has a qualifying legal interest is 4 (in aggregate).
(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), a person has a qualifying legal
interest in respect of a property or part of a property if they have a legal interest (whether as an owner, a lessee, a person with a licence to occupy, or otherwise) that includes a right to grow plants (not excluding cannabis plants) on
that property for their personal use or enjoyment.
(4) A person who—
(a) contravenes subsection (1) by growing more than 2 cannabis plants or,
as the case may be, subsection (2) by growing more than 4 cannabis
plants; but
(b) in either case, grows less than 10 plants on the relevant property or part
of the property,—
commits an infringement offence.
(5) A person who commits the infringement offence in subsection (4) is liable
(a) an infringement fee of $500; or
(b) a fine imposed by a court not exceeding $1,000.
(6) A person who knowingly contravenes subsection (1) or (2) by growing 10
or more cannabis plants on the relevant property or part of the property, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to—
(a) a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 months; or
(b) a fine not exceeding $2,000.
16 Conditions limiting place where cannabis may be grown
(1) A cannabis plant may be grown under section 15 only if the plant is grown—
(a) out of public sight; or
(b) in an area that is not accessible from any public area.
(2) In subsection (1)(b), public area means—
(a) an area to which the public has unrestricted access:


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"Been fucked by a kiwi lately?"

after watching the rugby on Saturday night I would have to say YES got fucked so hard us Wallably supporters can't walk properly. It was rape at first but then we just kinda rolled over and embraced it. FML
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