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Old Ant

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I've got few months to decide anyway only go with 1 1st !!
Hey @OZIOZIAUTO I look forward to your diary and hopefully you really get the hang of the techniques that will work best for youπŸ‘πŸΌ Its jolly good that you can do a few different types of grows at the same time should help speed up your experience and knowledge, soon you will have a smorgasbord of different yummy flavours😍


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Hey @OZIOZIAUTO I look forward to your diary and hopefully you really get the hang of the techniques that will work best for youπŸ‘πŸΌ Its jolly good that you can do a few different types of grows at the same time should help speed up your experience and knowledge, soon you will have a smorgasbord of different yummy flavours😍
Cheers man πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒβœŒοΈ

Yea looking for best strain for my mental health , they all work to a degree but there's other shit that comes with it.!!

Old Ant

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Cheers man πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒβœŒοΈ

Yea looking for best strain for my mental health , they all work to a degree but there's other shit that comes with it.!!
Same as us @OZIOZIAUTO, both my wife and I suffer from chronic depression along with other issues some physical some mental, so as I can only grow a maximum of two plants😩 I always try to grow one uppity day time strain and one couch lock night time strain, depending on bean parameters and availability of course😁🧐


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Same as us @OZIOZIAUTO, both my wife and I suffer from chronic depression along with other issues some physical some mental, so as I can only grow a maximum of two plants😩 I always try to grow one uppity day time strain and one couch lock night time strain, depending on bean parameters and availability of course😁🧐
Wow ok πŸ‘Œ that's awesome
My wife doesn't smoke or drink . I smoke 3 grams a day
Plus several Meds πŸ‘ I totally understand bro yea fuck yea πŸ‘Œ so I just recently actually physically did a Budget πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
That went south real quick 😁
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