activated cannabis


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has anyone here tried activated cannabis. i know the guy who invented it. i was about to give up due to side effects but this got rid of most of them. it does seem to make it really different, really strong. he doesn't do social media so i thought i have a check around to see if people are using it. he had a youtube up but it got removed. he just posted another one so i thought i get tje word out before its removed. his name is Azsif Ittiz if you want to look up the vid. I'm so keen to talk to others who have tried the whole psychedelic cannabis healing trip.

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Here's a quote from his video that (in my opinion) tells you all you need to know about this unnecessarily over complicated way to decarb a very small amount of cannabis.

"I'm not a scientist, I'm not qualified in any way. All I do is speak from my own personal experience in the psychedelic realm. It's in the psychedelic realm that I learnt to do all this stuff"



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Please elucidate "psychedelic cannabis healing trip." What is the mental exercise I saw mentioned elsewhere?
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