Seeds that look similar to cannabis


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I was particularly bored today and without access to smoke, ended up going down an internet rabbit hole that educated me about the THOUSANDS of seed species that are legally alllowed into Australia via the mail

then started googling what seeds might resemble cannabis beans that ARE allowed into Oz but there are just too many seeds to google picture after picture

so wondering from the many TSE legends that enjoy their gardening, have ya come across any plant seeds that look similar to everyone’s favourite beans??

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I did see Hibiscus Coccineus were small and shaped kinda like beans, and I’m guessing the Rapiscan machines they use at the borders to scan mail would flag them as seeds but if they’re labeled as something as common as Hibiscus, they might get through?


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Might be wrong but isn’t it any seeds not allowed ?
I only say because I’ve had actual dried beans in seed packets banned by customs
( USA to nsw).
in the cold light of morning, and without a few Long Island ice teas in me, closer reading of the site I was on tells me yer probably right - ya can import seeds like below but they reserve right to grow em out in their facility so it’s for commercial growers/farmers and not individuals. 100% not for cannabis enthusiasts



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I've had some expensive seeds get caught because the dipshit seed company in the US thought it'd be super cool & ad to their hipster poser insta cred by sending my seeds with a heap of unsolicited bonus artisanal veggie/chilli seeds ...cunts 😠.

EDIT : Sorry, I just realised that wasn't helpful and just a whinge 🤣 I think you're right though, any seed will potentially face scrutinisation entering Australia 😔
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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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Ive always found them (cannabis seeds) fairly unique in their appearence
especially the ones with the awesome striping
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